Year Ending Dec 2023 (Update) Year Ending Dec 2022 (Update) Year Ending Dec 2021 (Update) Year Ending Dec 2020 (Update)
Net Sales 2,659.30 2,704.70 2,646.90 2,675.50
Revenue 2,659.30 2,704.70 2,646.90 2,675.50
Total Revenue 2,659.30 2,704.70 2,646.90 2,675.50
Cost of Revenue 1,644.70 1,679.10 1,629.70 1,615.60
Cost of Revenue, Total 1,644.70 1,679.10 1,629.70 1,615.60
Gross Profit 1,014.60 1,025.60 1,017.20 1,059.90
Selling/General/Administrative Expense 602.30 676.80 637.70 654.90
Labor & Related Expense 33.40 25.10 27.10 25.50
Selling/General/Administrative Expenses, Total 635.70 701.90 664.80 680.40
Depreciation -- -- -- --
Amortization of Intangibles, Operating 112.00 124.00 117.90 124.90
Depreciation/Amortization 112.00 124.00 117.90 124.90
Restructuring Charge 4.10 -- 0.00 3.10
Litigation 30.80 30.00 93.20 20.30
Impairment-Assets Held for Use 6.50 5.50 6.70 15.50
Other Unusual Expense (Income) 148.20 10.50 62.30 183.80
Unusual Expense (Income) 189.60 46.00 162.20 222.70
Other, Net -- -- -- --
Other Operating Expenses, Total -- -- -- --
Total Operating Expense 2,582.00 2,551.00 2,574.60 2,643.60
Operating Income 77.30 153.70 72.30 31.90
Interest Expense - Non-Operating -77.60 -76.80 -72.70 -83.70
Interest Capitalized - Non-Operating 3.70 1.30 0.80 1.80
Interest Expense, Net Non-Operating -73.90 -75.50 -71.90 -81.90
Interest Income, Non-Operating -- -- -- --
Investment Income, Non-Operating -- -- -- --
Interest/Investment Income, Non-Operating -- -- -- --
Interest Income (Expense), Net-Non-Operating, Total -73.90 -75.50 -71.90 -81.90
Other Non-Operating Income (Expense) -0.10 0.70 0.30 -6.00
Other, Net -0.10 0.70 0.30 -6.00
Net Income Before Taxes 3.30 78.90 0.70 -56.00
Income Tax – Total 24.60 22.40 29.40 44.30
Income After Tax -21.30 56.50 -28.70 -100.30
Minority Interest -0.10 -0.50 -1.00 -1.40
Net Income Before Extraordinary Items -21.40 56.00 -29.70 -101.70
Extraordinary Item -- -- 1.90 44.40
Total Extraordinary Items -- -- 1.90 44.40
Net Income -21.40 56.00 -27.80 -57.30
Preferred Dividends -- -- -- 0.00
Miscellaneous Earnings Adjustment -- -- -- 0.00
Total Adjustments to Net Income -- -- -- 0.00
Income Available to Common Excluding Extraordinary Items -21.40 56.00 -29.70 -101.70
Income Available to Common Stocks Including Extraordinary Items -21.40 56.00 -27.80 -57.30
Basic Weighted Average Shares 92.40 92.10 91.80 91.50
Basic EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items -0.23 0.61 -0.32 -1.11
Basic EPS Including Extraordinary Items -0.23 0.61 -0.30 -0.63
Dilution Adjustment -- -- -- --
Diluted Net Income -21.40 56.00 -27.80 -57.30
Diluted Weighted Average Shares 92.40 92.40 91.80 91.50
Diluted EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items -0.23 0.61 -0.32 -1.11
Diluted EPS Including Extraordinary Items -0.23 0.61 -0.30 -0.63
DPS - Common Stock Primary Issue -- -- -- --
Gross Dividends - Common Stock 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Restructuring Charge, Supplemental -- -- -- --
Non-Recurring Items, Total -- -- -- --
Total Special Items 189.60 46.00 162.20 222.70
Normalized Income Before Taxes 192.90 124.90 162.90 166.70
Effect of Special Items on Income Taxes 66.36 13.06 56.77 77.95
Income Taxes Excluding Impact of Special Items 90.96 35.46 86.17 122.25
Normalized Income After Taxes 101.94 89.44 76.73 44.46
Normalized Income Available to Common 101.84 88.94 75.73 43.06
Basic Normalized EPS 1.10 0.97 0.82 0.47
Diluted Normalized EPS 1.10 0.96 0.82 0.47
Amortization of Intangibles, Supplemental 112.00 124.00 117.90 124.90
Depreciation, Supplemental 104.50 108.50 106.00 108.60
Interest Expense, Supplemental 73.90 75.50 71.90 81.90
Interest Capitalized, Supplemental -3.70 -1.30 -0.80 -1.80
Rental Expense, Supplemental 128.00 110.80 108.20 114.20
Stock-Based Compensation, Supplemental 33.40 25.10 27.10 25.50
Minority Interest, Supplemental -0.10 -0.50 -1.00 -1.40
Audit-Related Fees, Supplemental 5.04 5.11 6.21 7.31
Audit-Related Fees -- 0.00 0.34 0.00
Tax Fees, Supplemental -- 0.00 0.03 0.15
All Other Fees Paid to Auditor, Supplemental 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00
Gross Margin 38.15 37.92 38.43 39.62
Operating Margin 2.91 5.68 2.73 1.19
Pretax Margin 0.12 2.92 0.03 -2.09
Effective Tax Rate 745.45 28.39 4,200.00 --
Net Profit Margin -0.80 2.07 -1.12 -3.80
Normalized EBIT 266.90 199.70 234.50 254.60
Normalized EBITDA 483.40 432.20 458.40 488.10
Current Tax - Domestic 18.60 -8.10 -3.00 -63.90
Current Tax - Foreign 2.70 4.60 6.40 6.00
Current Tax - Local 3.80 2.30 1.40 2.90
Current Tax - Total 25.10 -1.20 4.80 -55.00
Deferred Tax - Domestic -2.40 23.70 17.00 85.90
Deferred Tax - Foreign -1.50 -2.00 3.00 -0.30
Deferred Tax - Local 3.40 1.90 4.60 13.70
Deferred Tax - Total -0.50 23.60 24.60 99.30
Income Tax - Total 24.60 22.40 29.40 44.30
Defined Contribution Expense - Domestic 9.90 10.00 9.20 8.70
Defined Contribution Expense - Foreign 3.90 4.40 4.70 4.60
Total Pension Expense 13.80 14.40 13.90 13.30

In millions of USD (except for per share items)

Copyright Refinitiv